National Week of Play

National Week of Play — Nature's Treasure Baskets

Using resources from nature provides a more eco-sustainable approach to supporting our children’s learning and development, while at the same time connecting them with the amazing natural world we live in.Read more

National Week of Play: Creating socially responsible children

Social responsibility values motivate children to help others and contribute positively to society from the earliest years.  Read more

National Week of Play — Working in partnership with parents

Researchers in environmental psychology have shown that parental pro-environmental behaviour has a strong influence in determining how their children behave, when it comes to things like conserving energy and recycling.Read more

National Week of Play: Play and nature

The natural world offers a rich sensory, ever-changing environment, full of exciting features to explore and investigate and to learn through active enquiry, play and talk.Read more

Welcome to our National Week of Play 2022: Protecting the planet through play

This year the Alliance's National Week of Play takes as its focus eco-sustainability in 49ͼ¿â and explores how we can support children’s understanding and involvement with protecting our beautiful and fragile planet Earth for future generations.Read more

National Week of Play: The importance of parents’ involvement in their children’s learning  

We must make sure that parents recognise the huge impact they can have on their children’s outcomes and attainment...Read more

National Week of Play: The role of the adult in learning through play

In this post Charlotte Whalley explores what roles an adult may take on as they support children to learn through play Read more

National Week of Play: Playing outdoors and in the local environment 

Although not having a garden might add additional challenges around getting outdoors, we can all become experts at thinking outside the box and create opportunities for the children we care for to explore their immediate environments.Read more

National Week of Play: Harnessing the Therapeutic Value of Play

Sometimes, it can be harder to distinguish the benefits of play to children's mental wellbeing and emotional intelligence, than on social and physical development — but they are there and we should be aware of them.   Read more

National Week of Play: Social play and its benefits

Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning, but for children play is serious learning....Read more


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